Fluent Products

Peace of Mind with a Pleasant and Relaxing drink
Herbal teas are centuries old. Teas of this kind are prepared from dried fruits, flowers, herbs, as well as spices, and have many different health benefits. In fact, herbal teas have been used for hundreds of years as natural medicines to treat many diseases and afflictions.
It is interesting to know that modern science has come to confirm some of the uses that herbal teas were known for in the past and this has gone to the extent of even finding new therapeutic effects in these teas.
In line with its mission, Kian Group has not only limited itself to infrastructure, and in order to complement this path beyond a purely industrial group, it has considered the provision of comfort in other fields as well, and after scientific research and development, it has presented its own herbal teas to the market. These teas will bring you a peaceful frame of mind with a pleasant and mild taste.
By drinking only one cup of our herbal tea, you can insulate your mind from negative and disturbing thoughts and receive the peace that the Kian Group is happy to bring for you.